The play, written by Tyler Martin, follows Emmett, a young, queer male whose second DWI charge might put him behind bars. Young plays Emmett's older sister, Nellie, who returns to Texas to discuss options for Emmett. The story focuses on an honest dialogue about family abuse, gender stereotypes, and religious intolerance.
Pablo covers 7 years in the early life of Pablo Picasso: 1899-1906.
We begin in Barcelona from where, against his Father’s objections, Pablo moves to Paris. As the story unfolds, we meet several people who both support his artistic progress, as well as those who would have it stopped.
Pablo is about Picasso almost incidentally. It’s really about any young person who is new, different and misunderstood. It deals with love in many forms and explores how sometimes one must sacrifice who he is for what he does. The show is best summed up in a line spoken by Gertrude Stein:
Talent does what it can and genius does what it must.
We begin in Barcelona from where, against his Father’s objections, Pablo moves to Paris. As the story unfolds, we meet several people who both support his artistic progress, as well as those who would have it stopped.
Pablo is about Picasso almost incidentally. It’s really about any young person who is new, different and misunderstood. It deals with love in many forms and explores how sometimes one must sacrifice who he is for what he does. The show is best summed up in a line spoken by Gertrude Stein:
Talent does what it can and genius does what it must.
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